Are you ready to bring your story to life? At Bold Books, we're passionate about helping authors like you make your mark in the literary world. With our range of publishing options, expert guidance, and tailored support, your dream of becoming a published author is closer than ever!

publishing styles

● Offer exclusive content to subscribers
● Direct connection with a loyal reader base
● Steady, recurring income stream



● Build a dedicated fanbase
● Predictable income through subscriptions
● Offer ongoing value to readers

when to choose

● If you want recurring revenue
● Looking to create a loyal community
● Want to offer exclusive content regularly

● Expert support in editing, design, marketing, and distribution
● Full creative control over the project
● Personal guidance to scale your author brand



● Maintain control while benefiting from professional services
● Polished, high-quality book with industry guidance
● Learn the publishing process for future projects

When to choose

● If you want creative control with expert support
● New to self-publishing and seeking guidance
● Want to actively learn and grow your author brand

● Professional services at reduced cost with royalty-sharing
● Higher royalty rates than traditional publishing
● Comprehensive marketing and support



● Lower upfront costs
● Balance between professional help and affordability
● Potential for higher long-term earnings

when to choose

● If you want premium services at a reduced cost
● Prefer royalty-sharing over upfront payments
● Want to maximize your financial return

● Professional editing, design, and marketing at no upfront cost
● Full publishing support from start to finish
● Broad distribution to a large audience



● Gain credibility with an established publisher
● No financial risk for the author
● Maximum reach for your book

when to choose

● If you want prestige and hands-off publishing
● Looking for wide distribution without upfront costs
● Seeking industry recognition

● Release stories in episodes
● Engage readers with suspense and ongoing content
● Real-time feedback from readers



● Build ongoing reader anticipation
● Adjust content based on reader reactions
● Create buzz and engagement organically

when to choose

● If you want to build excitement over time
● Looking for real-time interaction with readers
● Want to release content in a dynamic format

Ready to Take Control? Start Your Assisted Self-Publishing Journey Now

Bold Books offers the freedom of self-publishing with the backing of industry experts. You'll maintain creative control while benefiting from our professional services in editing, cover design, marketing, and distribution. Our one-on-one support helps you scale your brand and ensures your book is polished, market-ready, and uniquely yours.

freedom meets expert support


Looking to self-publish but unsure where to start? Our Assisted Self-Publishing option is perfect for you!

Is your manuscript ready to shine? Submit your proposal for traditional publishing today!

With Bold Books' traditional publishing, you'll enjoy expert editing, stunning cover design, powerful marketing, and expansive distribution - all at no upfront cost to you. This elite path offers the credibility and reach of a renowned publishing house, propelling your book to new heights in the literary world.

Dream of seeing your book in major bookstores? Traditional Publishing could be your ticket to literary stardom!

Your ticket to Literary Prestige

Traditional Publishing

Ready to get the best of both publishing worlds? Explore our hybrid publishing option now!

This innovative approach provides premium creative services at a reduced upfront cost through a royalty-based agreement. You'll benefit from comprehensive account management, additional marketing support, and higher royalty rates. With contracts typically ranging from five to eight years, you'll have the time to establish your brand and maximize your returns.

Want the prestige of traditional publishing with more control? Our Hybrid Publishing model offers the perfect balance!

The best of both words

The bold books hybrid approach

Ready to transform your storytelling? Create an irresistible reading experience with Bold Books Serialized Publishing!

Release your story in gripping episodes that leave readers hungry for more. This dynamic approach allows you to connect deeply with your audience, gather real-time feedback, and build organic buzz. Watch as your narrative transforms into a must-read phenomenon, episode by exciting episode!

Looking to build suspense and grow your audience? Dive into the thrilling world of Serialized Publishing!

Keep Readers Coming
Back for More

Serialized publishing

Ready to build a loyal readership and steady income? Dive into subscription publishing with Bold Books today!

Offer your fans exclusive content, sneak peeks, and early access to your latest works. This revolutionary approach not only enhances reader satisfaction but also creates steady, predictable income streams. Foster a direct relationship with your audience, watch your fanbase grow, and enjoy the security of recurring revenue.

Want to cultivate a dedicated readership and ensure consistent revenue? Our Subscription Publishing model is the answer!

Build a Loyal Fanbase and Steady Income

Subscription Publishing

Innovative Strategies to Boost Your Readership

Flexible Options for Creative Control and Budget

Professional Quality with a Personal Touch

Expert Guidance Across All Publishing Types

Why Publish with Bold Books?

Don't Wait - Contact us Today!

"Balancing writing and single motherhood is tough, but Bold Books Publishing made everything stress-free. They provided so much support, from editing to marketing, and their services were customized to what I needed. And now… I can officially say I’m a published Author!"

April G., 28, Single Mom & Writer

"I finally decided to turn that story I’ve been working on for decades into a book. Bold Books Publishing made the process straightforward, and they kept me informed every step of the way. Their expertise in both fiction and the technical aspects of publishing was invaluable. The end result? A book I’m incredibly proud of."

Brandon W., 72, Retired Engineer

"Bold Books Publishing was a perfect fit for my LGBTQ+ romance novel. They were inclusive, respectful, and fully understood what I was looking for. Highly recommended!”

Elliot B., 39, LGBTQ+ Romance Author

Bold Books provides ongoing support including marketing efforts, sales tracking, and promotional opportunities. We work with you to ensure your book continues to perform well and reach new readers.

How does Bold Books support authors after the book is published?

Costs vary depending on the publishing option you choose. Bold Books provides detailed information on pricing for each model, including any initial fees, royalty rates, or additional expenses, ensuring transparency.

What are the costs associated with publishing through Bold Books?

Bold Books provides comprehensive support including editing, design, marketing, and distribution. The level of support varies by publishing type, from hands-on guidance to full-service support.

What kind of support will I receive throughout the publishing process?

Choosing the right publishing option depends on your goals, budget, and desired level of control. Bold Books provides expert guidance to help you evaluate your needs and select the best publishing route for your project.

How can I decide which publishing option is right for me?

about publishing


still have questions?

Our specialists will answer your questions and guide you on the path to publishing success. Get in touch today!